Thursday, April 17, 2014

Adventures in Greyhounding

I'm positive that the Greyhound bus system is Purgatory. It is full of wildly colorful characters that at first made me feel as if my head were going to explode,  but now I regard as comedy of errors of the most Shakespearian kind!!

Rob and I were not able to get 2 seats together so I am sitting behind him next to a little old lady with a pillow the size of her, a blanket and a large bag full of stuff that she always seems to need to rearrange before she sits down. She seems very put out that I have to sit next to her.

The guy next to Rob, I'm not sure is alive half the time until he awakes from his seemingly coma-induced slumber.

The younger couple in front of Rob have arguments rivaling Eminem and his ex wife. The only time they are not fighting is when they are thankfully sleep.

The one older gentleman across from me treats every rest stop as if it is the last place he will ever get food. He boards the bus with a mountain of truck stop/convenience store faire only to devour it all and throw the trash under his seat. Right before our stop in Grand Junction, he kept walking up to the driver, hitting everyone with whatever items are in the pockets of his voluminous coast. Rob keeps referring to him as Pigpen.

There is another young couple a few rows back. The girl speaks very loudly and some of her statements are a tad mind numbing. They are traveling with a pet cat who I haven't heard a sound out of for hours. I try not to think too much on it because it makes me too upset.

And then there's the disgruntled character at the back of the bus. Yes or bus is running late. Yes we all have places to be or connecting buses to get to.. But for this guy, it's rivaling an all, but Red Cross disaster that he may not get to where he's going on time. When we were at a stop in Grand Junction, you could hear him pontificating with the broad 4-lettered word vocabulary of an angry sailor who's just been denied leave from the boat.  Even better, he's just approached the bus driver again and is not thrilled with the driver's answer of that he can not give him a to-the-second time of our arrival.. More cultured expletives... 

Candi - yes I hear you in my head 'some people's kids, man..'
Dewey - I can already hear you giggling..

All of this is punctuated by the delightful scents of human excrement whenever someone uses the on board restroom.

This is most definitely a good start to our adventure! There's nothing quite like a 40 hour bus ride to make you want to hit the wilderness trail away from 'civilization'.


  1. Excellent use of "pontificating" ;)

    Good luck with the bus people--they sound like some of my library patrons. Maybe you and Rob should embrace it! If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

  2. Awesome post! Keep 'em coming.
