We were off again to go towards our next milestones; crossing into our third state, Tennessee, hitting the 200 mile marker, and hiking the highest point on the AT, Clingman's Dome.
We trekked up an area known as Thunderhead Mountain, but being that it was a rough climb, we renamed it Thunder Dome, Bitch! Mountain. However being a clear day, the views of the Smokies were amazing.
When we reached the shelter for the night it was very packed. Not only with thru hikers but also with some odd female section hikers that were afraid of mice (pretty much all the shelters are infested with them), were braiding everyone's hair and even putting on make up before they left the next morning. We got out early and hiked 12 miles to our next shelter which was also packed. We met up with our Hiker friend Heavy who offered us a ride into Gatlinburg the next day because of the impending storm. We agreed!
The next day started cold, cloudy and very windy as we hauled ass up a very rocky mountain towards Clingman's dome. I might add that over breakfast, an old man, very hard of hearing asked Heavy about Clingman's Dome. Heavy said 'my car is parked at Clingman's Dome'. The old man clearly didn't hear him and didn't care but continued to ask Heavy questions. Heavy's answer was still, my car is parked up there. The old man kept talking. We started cracking up. So we hauled ass, 10.5 miles in 5.5 hours to get to the car and narrowly beat the storm down.
So here we were in a very cheesy town that resembles a boardwalk. Everything is really big and overdone, like a circus or carnival. We're pretty sure Ripley's owns stock in this town cause there's at least 6 attractions in 2 square miles. Did I mention we're about 20 minutes from Dollywood?!?! Yeah that kind of tourist cheese that people looooove!
We had beers with Heavy then he had to leave. And today we took our first ever zero (no miles gained on the trail) day. We weren't particularly thrilled about it but it was nice to eat real food for a day and give our bodies a much needed rest. And yes, beer counts!! When you're burning 4000 - 6000 calories a day, you can drink your calories any way you want!! It's all part of the Hiker diet! At the Mellow Mushroom tonight we were entertained by a bartender named "Ike" who was cracking us up with the stories of the 'man hating cabal' from across the plaza at Dick's Last Resort. Too damn funny!!! Amongst all this touristy cheese, there are some cool sights like a candy store that's been here since 1957 and still makes pulled taffy the same way it always has.
So after a great day it's off to bed to rest out little hiker heads so we can go back to the trail tomorrow. We'll catch up in about 5 days when we hit Hot Springs, NC (the part of the trail we're on for the week through the Smokies straddles the state line between NC & TN).
Oh yeah! For any of Rob's margaritaville friends reading, we found 'Southern McGovern'!! Seriously, I would pay for a bottle of whiskey to watch these two meet and talk!!!
Oh and apparently, black bears come down and roam freely in the town. One was wandering the halls of our motel last night and went and checked out Restaurant 'de Dumpster and then left. Crazy.. We still haven't seen one yet. Or wild boars which are also in the Smokies!!
I love your stories! - Kristie